- Nem montering og installation
- Opbevaring af køkkenredskaber
- Pladsbesparende løsning til dit køkken
- Lavet af robuste træpaneler + stål
- Fås i 3 farver
Kitchen shelf Jamie - quick & easy order in the kitchen
Our versatile kitchen shelf "Jamie" is the ideal combination of elegance and functionality. Flat bowls can be stored just as optimally as tall spice jars. But the shelf is not limited to use in the kitchen. Whether in the living room or even in the bathroom for towels and care products - "Jamie" cuts a fine figure in the most diverse rooms to quickly ensure order and style. With its stackability, expandability, length and height adjustment, it is a smart solution to make the best use of the space in your room.
Decide for yourself whether you want to stack the product or make the best use of the height, or whether you want to place both parts side by side and thus spread your storage over the entire width. In combination with a smooth wooden structure, the powder-coated steel feet ensure that the stored items always stay in place.
Kitchen shelf Jamie - product features:
- In 3 different colors
- In 3 different colors
- Stackable organization
- Dimensions: 29.7 x 19.5 x 15.5 cm (larger section) + 29.7 x 18.5 x 13.6 cm (smaller section)
- Kitchen shelf Jamie - in different colours
- Kitchen shelf with smooth wooden structure (melamine-coated wooden boards)
- With powder-coated steel feet .
- For storing cups, bowls, spices etc.
- Can be expanded for more storage space .
- Adjustable in length and height
- Stored in the kitchen, living room, bathroom .
- Space-saving, stable and robust .
- Easy to assemble
- Incl. collection material